Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last Day

Yesterday,I did not work on computers, instead I was sent to work with the Little Sisters of the Poor.
We started out with helping the residents exercise. We helped them play catch, after we were done we pushed the people in wheelchairs to coffee and then mass. It is amazing how appreciative they are. I felt so glad helping them out. The sisters have a "peace trail" behind the house, and every mission group makes some kind of artwork along the path. Our group made the logo of our church out of rocks (positioning the rocks is harder than it looks.) I would post a picture but I am unable to at the moment. We went to a restaurant for dinner (New Mexican food, tastes a lot like Mexican food.)
we have had a lot of fun, helped a lot of people and did a lot of work. This has been a great week, I am actually disappointed it ended so soon.

1 comment:

Our Family said...

We are so proud of you son.
Mom & Dad